

Principal Research Scientist


丽贝卡·芬克, 英里每小时, is a Principal Research Scientist with 13 years of experience designing and implementing multisite epidemiologic research studies, online panel surveys, public health interventions, and evaluations for clients such as CDC, 国家卫生研究院, 和HRSA. Her areas of expertise include infectious diseases epidemiology, maternal and child health, multisite study coordination, protocol development, 调查设计, 数据管理, and data analysis. She is the Project Director for the CDC-funded National SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Studies in Blood Donors project. This project built off work conducted as part of the 国家卫生研究院-funded REDS Epidemiology, 监测, and Preparedness of the Novel SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic program, for which Fink served as the Project Manager. She also serves as the Deputy Project Director for a CDC-funded Phase IV trial to examine the relative efficacy of a second-generation influenza vaccine as compared to a standard dose vaccine.

In earlier work, Fink served as Project Director for CDC-funded online panel surveys to monitor 疫苗接种 coverage and practices in pregnant women, health care personnel, and a general adult population. Fink has coauthored numerous peer-reviewed publications on SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and influenza 疫苗接种 coverage.


  • 英里每小时, School of 公共卫生, Boston University, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • BS (magna cum laude), Boston University, Health Science


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